Firstly, what do I mean by an Unplugged Wedding??
It's what we call in the biz, a wedding (or at the very least, the ceremony) where the only one with a camera, is the Photographer &/or the Videographer paid to do so. They're not uncommon and from a photographer's perspective, I only hope they become even more popular. Should almost be law, in my opinion. Ok, so that might be taking it a step too far, but it's definitely something I like to mention to my couples.
Why?? You ask. Firstly I will explain with words.
And then I will explain with visual aids.
The words bit:
Imagine this: You're standing in front of your most beloved people. Your husband/wife (now of only 4/5 mins) has just brought you to tears with the most gorgeous words you've ever heard come out of their mouth. You've just had your first kiss as a married couple. You turn to look at the love on all your peoples' faces.... and not because you want to be the centre of attention (you are anyway - it's your wedding day) but because you want to share in the love. See that everyone can see that you're perfect for each other. See that you've chosen the absolutely right person to spend the rest of your life with. But actually....... you can't see them. Wait? What??
'But didn't you hear all those gorgeous words?? I should see tears on a sea of smiley faces right? Where are all the smiley faces? I can't see anyone's eyes... I can't make a connection. They're not looking at us?? What are they looking at???'
I'll tell you what they're looking at - they're looking at their bloody phones/camera/video camera. Granted they're looking at you - but they're looking at you through a teeny tiny crappy screen. And with the best will in the world - it's not the same. This I can promise you. If they're looking through their teeny tiny crappy screens, I can guarantee you they're not getting the fully loaded 100% experience. They'll be a little bit distracted.
'oh shit, my battery is about to die'
'arrgghhh I wish that photographer would get out my way'
'whoops, I just bumped into that really hot guy next to me'
'oh, I can't see properly - there's too much glare on my screen'
'ooh I just got another like on my Instagram post'
'gosh - this is going to be so shaky'
You get the picture!
This won't be EVERYONE - but why take the risk??
Now, the visual aids bit.
And this is where you see all the good things about an unplugged wedding....
Image by Michael Briggs